Presidente da Direção at APSHSTDC-Assoc. Portuguesa de Saúde, Hig. Segurança no Trabalho ,Desenvolvimento e Coop.Int. ONGD - Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal
APSHSTDC is a Non Governmental association for international development and cooperation, recognized as a public interest entity, by the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The aim of the association is to Cooperate, conceptualize, execute and support social, cultural, environmental, civic and economic programs to education towards development. Teaching and Higher Education, Advanced and Specialized Training and e-learning, and Consulting in Environment and Environmental Management. Preparation and participation in certification projects and support the actions of national and international cooperation for development, scientific and technical assistance in the areas of Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work. Contribute to implement programs and projects servicing sensitive areas like: education, engineering, environment, health and security at work. Encourage solidarity, social integration, combat all kind of discrimination, respecting and defending the Human Rights Declaration , programs of inclusion and gender equality and support social entrepreneurship and dissemination the principles of Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility.