Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (Co-Owner)
CollegeAidServices, LLC was created in 2002 after its President/CEO, Raymond Nault, realized that higher education administrators needed reliable and affordable resources to improve student success. Leaders in the offices of Admission, Financial Aid, and Student Accounts are tremendous revenue generators but also significant liabilities to higher education institutions. To help institutions improve student services, CAS provides consulting services to colleges, universities and proprietary institutions throughout the country.With over 15 years of working in the higher education industry, our higher education consultants have spent decades in the field working in all aspects of financial aid and higher education assessment and administration.Services we offer:Title IV Compliance SupportInterim Financial Aid StaffingTechnology SolutionsStudent Life Cycle ReviewContact us at info@collegeaidservices.net or by phone at Toll-Free (833) GETCAS1..