People have struggled to pronounce the name of our coaching company "Phrenimos". Once they get it right the next question is what does it mean. Well, name has been derived from a Greek word "Phronimos" that has "Phrenic Nerve" at the root. It is the nerve that controls the diaphragm making it crucial for breathing, and hence for life. This interplay of words reflects our core philosophy - And PHRENIMOS was born!Working from ‘within' is exactly what ‘coaching' does. The best help almost always comes from within, but unleashing true potential often requires a catalyst – an outsider who can provide an unbiased and non-judgmental assessment of reality and push our focus back to what is important. #coaching This catalyst can be a spouse, friend or a professional coach.At Phrenimos, we enable and empower " breathing" by delivering COACH Training programs that build coach competencies as defined by International Coach Federation (ICF). Our programs are available to those who are at the beginning of their journey to be a certified coach and for those who wish to progress and achieve higher level of expertise as a coach.If you wish to know more about us & our programs, do set up a 20 minute conversation by visiting and schedule an appointment.