For a business, Savvy helps it embed savings in its products, seamlessly. The integration is done easily with minimal effort in quick time – everything is SDK and API based. Savvy will enable any brand – financial or non-financial – to embed savings in its ecosystem and as a part of its customer experience. The ultimate beneficiary, of course, is the end-user or retail customer who will be empowered to save for their goals, both short-term and long-term. We have standardized savings journeys which can be embedded in very little time as per the use-case for the partner. And our revenue model is aligned to the success of our partner, which makes it better for them to partner with us. Of course, retail investors can download Savvy and create their own savings journeys and get all the benefits offered by the App.To sum up, our proposition of offering a seamless savings experience to our users is what differentiates us.