INDIA'S LARGEST TRADING GIANT Established in 1963, MMTC is the largest trading company of india and one of the major trading companies of Asia. It is a Govt. of India enterprise with the Govt. owning 99.3312% stake in its paid up share capital. MMTC is schedule 'A'/Mini Navratna Category -1 Central Public Enterprise under the administrative control of Depatment of Commerce, MoC&I, Govt of India. MMTC is one of the largest non-oil importer in India and among the highest foreign exchange earners for India.. MMTC's vast international trade network, which includes a wholly owned international subsidiary in Singapore and representative office in South Africa, spans almost in all countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania and Americas, giving MMTC a global market coverage. MMTC has promoted various joint ventures following the public-private partnership route to take advantage of new opportunities emerging in the free market environment.