Vijay Shinde

Compositor at Mirriad - New York, NY, US

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Vijay Shinde's Company Details
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New York, NY, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Mirriad is a cutting-edge video technology company placing ads naturally into video content.Mirriad's award-winning solution unleashes new revenue for content producers and distributors by creating new advertising inventory in-content. Our patented, AI and computer vision technology dynamically inserts products and innovative signage formats after content is produced. Mirriad's market-first solution seamlessly integrates with existing subscription and advertising models, and dramatically improves the viewer experience by limiting commercial interruptions.Our vision is become a key source of revenue for the most progressive content producers and distributors worldwide, with a solution that unites superior viewing experiences and outstanding advertising impact. As the world's largest content owners, producers and advertisers are faced with unprecedented pressure on their business models, Mirriad's mission is to provide the most advanced advertising solution to the content industry that is easy to integrate, deploy and the new ad format can be used alone or combined with other media and is aligned with existing media trading. Mirriad is headquartered in London with offices in the US, China and India.

Digital Product Placement Embedded Advertising Branded Entertainment Native In Video Advertising In-Video Advertising b2b
Details about Mirriad
Frequently Asked Questions about Vijay Shinde
Vijay Shinde currently works for Mirriad.
Vijay Shinde's role at Mirriad is Compositor.
Vijay Shinde's email address is *** To view Vijay Shinde's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Vijay Shinde works in the Internet industry.
Vijay Shinde's colleagues at Mirriad are Vishvesh Sawant, John Pearson, Mark Melvin, Tim McEvoy, Stephan Beringer, David Dorans, Stewart Dalton and others.
Vijay Shinde's phone number is
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