At Dhar Law, LLP, we are top-notch lawyers with the sophisticated perspective and transactional skills that let us transform legal complexities into creative opportunities. A growing regional, national and international presence, the highly experienced firm is headquartered in Boston's historic North End. The firm has a core commitment to socially conscious business practices and is built on the drive to provide exemplary legal services to every client in their expansive practice areas of business law, litigation and community lawyering. This foundation serves clients ranging from national and international corporations to individuals, families, community entrepreneurs and social innovators. We train and work with innovative and brilliant attorneys to engage and support our clients and community on a daily basis.Our experienced team uses a unique and welcoming approach to guide each client through complex legal issues. Our lawyers use their skills to advise clients through the firm's core practice areas with specific focuses in real estate, white-collar criminal defense and government investigations, immigration, domestic relations and nonprofit law.Find out more about our practices, people and the Next Mile Project, our very own nonprofit incubator at: