OmniInsight: "Most market participants chase alpha but get risks, while one could chase safety and get alpha"India's first and only fund manager of listed Global Equity Portfolios. OmniScience Capital is a Global Investment Management firm focusedon global equity investments empowered by its proprietary Scientific Investing philosophy. Scientific Investing creates a SuperNormal Portfolio designed to survive and thrive through uncertainties, delivering optimal "Return on Safety". It is based on a deep immersive research and analysis of 100+ years of investment management history combined with experience of investing over multiple cycles across different markets. OmniInsight emerged from the above research and is at the crux of the Scientific Investing Philosophy and the resulting framework. It builds upon ideas and insights from before Benjamin Graham to John Burr Williams to Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch and several others.In brief, the Scientific Investing Framework selects SuperNormal Companies at SuperNormal Prices creating a SuperNormal Portfolio. It is founded by a team who are alumni of Columbia University and other premier Indian and French Institutes, such as IITs/IIMs (India) and EdHec/Toulous (France). Core Portfolios: US Omni Supreme & India Omni SupremeThematic Portfolios: AIoT (Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things) & DX (Digital Transformation)