Head Client Servicing & Business Development at Films Rajendraa - New Delhi, Delhi, India
Ideas Inspire Us. Stories Move Us.Characters Intrigue Us. Visuals Mesmerize Us.Sounds put us in a Trance. Timelines are our Adrenalin Rush.Logistical challenges help us Evolve. An environment where different minds come together with their deep desire to Create.Advertising & Film production house, Mumbai & Delhi, India since 1995Films Rajendraa. Let's Create…Also, follow us on:👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/filmsrajendraa/👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Films.Rajendraa/👉 Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/filmsrajendraa👉 Youtube: https://bit.ly/30BlkSi