Tender Executive at STERICAT GUTSTRINGS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED - Gurgaon, Haryana, India
PETERS SURGICAL INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED PLANT : Plot No. 169, Sector 4, IMT- Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Registered Marketing Office : E-25,B-1 Extension, M.C.I.E. Badarpur, New Delhi INDIA Pin: 110 044. STERICAT is now Péters Surgical India Pvt. . Ltd. Péters Surgical France is the trusted name globally with more than 80 years of successful track record and innovations. Peters Surgical is being 3rd largest Sutures Co. at France and 4th Largest Sutures co. in Global Market. Péters Surgical have presence in 90 countries. Multi location state of the art manufacturing facilities --- France-3 , USA-1, Thailnad-1, Algeria-1 and now one at India. Beside Sutures Peters is known for Haemostatic Surgical Clips. European leader in hemostatic surgical clips. Vitalitec Clips are having strong presence in India too. We also have Synthetic surgical glue for implant fixation and hemostatic procedures . Meshes - Polypropylene Meshes , Polyester Meshes, Anatomical Mesh & Dual-sided Meshes . We also manufacture and market -Drains and catheters , Surgical accessories for operating room for abdominal surgery At our state of art CLASS 10,000 facility at I.M.T.-Manesar, we operate with a quality assurance system, with full in house testing facility to conduct all Chemical, Instrumental and Microbiological Tests, Enabling us to guarantee product reliability & customer satisfaction. Peters SURGICAL will continue to work in collaboration with surgeons to offer the best of products and services at the global level on the strength of Innovation, Quality and Cost. Responding to surgeons needs.