AGRI TOURISM │COMMUNITY FARMING │SUSTAINABLE ORGANIC FARMING PRACTICE │CONTRACT FARMING │GREENEORGANIC"Enhancing green livelihoods with eco friendly and sustainable technology for future generations."In the past, our ancestors mostly depended on agriculture which was deeply embedded in their lives. Farming seasons and events used to involve the entire community and today we responded instinctively to need of the land and towards the contributions we received in return. Prime responsibility of human life on earth is about growing food and living a sustainable life.At Present, the world seems to be disassociated from agriculture. The current generation is unaware about the production of food; survival on consumption has become proxy issue as we are dependable on food from distant places, unknown about its cultivation, processing and nutritional value is no more a vital aspect for consumption.Globalization is at pace, does not have any positive impact on agriculture. On the contrary it has few detrimental effects like import of food resulting in the price increase of these commodities, subsidies declining and other threats like GM food, Chemical fertilizers and pesticides Food.If you are concerned about the future of our coming generation, about the environment, their food and most importantly intending to give them a sustainable life for future. Be a part of it for our coming Community Supported Agriculture Forum, your participation or volunteering will ignite the spark of this movement, feelings we hope and expect many others will share as together………..