DEK Technologies Sweden, a subsidiary of DEK Technologies Pty Ltd, was founded in 2006 with the aim to provide its customers with both high expertise and local presence. Since its inception, DEK Technologies Sweden has grown constantly and now includes 65+ consultants with main expertise in telecommunication.We are experts in telecommunications and data-communications in which we practice Continuous Integration. Within these areas we cover all the product development phases, from feasibility study and development to testing, maintenance and support with a special attention applying Agile methodology.DEK Technologies consultants have a high level of expertise and they always push themselves to step into the mission with a short kick off before to contribute and improve our customers business.We value a close relationship with the customer in our quest to constantly be as efficient as possible.DEK Technologies is a Australian consultancy company based in Melbourne. DEK Technologies opened in 1999 by Drini, Eddie and Kerim (DEK). All three has a background from development of Telecom solutions especially Ericsson. When Ericsson, in 2002/2003, closed their R&D office in Melbourne, DEK Technologies started its expansion by employing the very best and most experienced developers from former Ericsson. DEK Technologies become a high competence company and in 2004 we signed our first frame agreement with Ericsson.Today, DEK Technologies consists of four different offices: DEK Technologies Australia (Au), DEK Technologies Sweden (Se), DEK Technologies Vietnam (Vn) and DEK Technologies Italy (It) .Our Swedish office is located in Kista , Stockholm.