Vinay Solkar

Estimation Engineer at KAEFER in Qatar - Al Dhakira, Al Khor, Qatar

Vinay Solkar's Colleagues at KAEFER in Qatar
Rahul Agrawal

Project and Cost Control Engineer

Contact Rahul Agrawal

Javed Syed

Scaffolding Supervisor

Contact Javed Syed

Laxman Swami

Scaffolding inspector

Contact Laxman Swami

Raj Kumar

Health Safety Environment Officer

Contact Raj Kumar

Farook Ummar

Scaffolding Supervisor

Contact Farook Ummar

View All Vinay Solkar's Colleagues
Vinay Solkar's Contact Details
KAEFER in Qatar
Vinay Solkar's Company Details
KAEFER in Qatar logo, KAEFER in Qatar contact details

KAEFER in Qatar

Al Dhakira, Al Khor, Qatar • 32 Employees

In 1993, KAEFER star­ted its op­er­a­tion in the Middle East and opened the first of­fice in Abu Dh­abi, United Arab Emir­ate. With strong lead­er­ship and highly mo­tiv­ated team, new mar­kets were de­ve­loped and of­fices were es­tab­lished in Qatar, Iran, King­dom of Saudi Ar­a­bia, Oman and Kuwait with a cur­rent work­force of 6,000.KAEFER is a mod­ern, multi-na­tional cor­por­a­tion with sev­eral thou­sand em­ploy­ees work­ing all around the world. We achieve our suc­cess and that of our cli­ents by con­stantly ask­ing ourselves how we can im­prove every day, how we can do things in new, more ef­fi­cient ways and how we can ful­fil our mis­sion: To be the most reliable and efficient provider of technical industrial services.We at KAEFER be­lieve we have an im­port­ant part to play in build­ing a sus­tain­able, en­ergy-ef­fi­cient fu­ture. And we are in the per­fect po­s­i­tion to do so: for more than 100 years, we have worked in in­dus­trial fa­cil­it­ies, res­id­en­tial and com­mer­cial prop­er­ties, on oil rigs or ships. In everything we do, we as­pire to be RED – re­cog­nised, ef­fi­cient and dif­fer­ent. That is why our mis­sion also needs to re­flect the scale of our am­bi­tion – to take a global lead as the most re­li­able and ef­fi­cient pro­vider of tech­nical in­dus­trial ser­vices.KAEFER is a fam­ily-owned com­pany, run on fam­ily prin­ciples and com­mon val­ues across all en­tit­ies, coun­tries and re­gions. Trust is the found­a­tion of our busi­ness activ­it­ies. Loyal cus­tom­ers, loyal em­ploy­ees and loyal share­hold­ers are the re­ward whilst con­tinu­ity in growth and profit per­form­ance is the res­ult.

Details about KAEFER in Qatar
Frequently Asked Questions about Vinay Solkar
Vinay Solkar currently works for KAEFER in Qatar.
Vinay Solkar's role at KAEFER in Qatar is Estimation Engineer.
Vinay Solkar's email address is *** To view Vinay Solkar's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Vinay Solkar works in the Construction industry.
Vinay Solkar's colleagues at KAEFER in Qatar are Rahul Agrawal, Javed Syed, Laxman Swami, Raj Kumar, Farook Ummar, Mohammed Mustafa and others.
Vinay Solkar's phone number is
See more information about Vinay Solkar