By innovative design the HemoClear blood filter recovers red blood cells (erythrocytes) from patients shed blood when severe blood loss occurs. The sterile HemoClear device uses cross flow filtration by gravity with a high degree of specificity for erythrocytes, separating them from other fluids and plasma. After filtering, the erythrocytes are re-infused (autologous blood transfusion) and the plasma fluid with toxins and pathological elements, is destructed as waste.Autologous blood is now widely accepted as the first choice for transfusion, whenever possible. The term autologous blood refers to blood which is derived from one individual. An autologous blood transfusion can be defined as designated reinfusion of blood or blood components to the same individual from whom they blood was taken. The blood may have been collected earlier or salvaged from shed blood intra-operatively or postoperatively.Homologous blood is blood or blood components of the same type, from another human donor or derived from sources other than the patient who is receiving the transfusion. The advantages of autologous transfusion are well documented: • Available without complex and costly logistics.• Reduced risk of transmission of infection • Reduced risk of transfusion reaction • Allows safer transfusion in patients with rare blood groups and multiple auto-antibodies• Eliminates immunosuppression• May be acceptable to some Jehovah's Witness patients • Reduces the demand on allogenic blood supplies• Requires minimal compatibility testing