CIN-ergy is an electronics company that is solely focused on developing high-end driver electronics and optics for a wide range of Near-to-Eye applicationss. Some of this technology is sold as OTS products under the CINOPTICS brand and others are part of a greater technology.The name CIN-ergy is derived out of a combination of 2 factors:1. Synergy – noun [sin-er-jee]"the interaction of elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the individual elements"2. CIN-ergy – also pronounced as "sin-er-jee" the replacement of SYN with CIN is to define the history of the company. Cybermind Interactive Nederland (CIN) was solely founded by her director Vincent Graham in 1997, exactly 18 years later CIN-ergy was founded by Vincent Graham to carry forth the technology and know-how of it's founder. Synergy/CIN-ergy: The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.