Double Exposure is an event management company that is focused on gaming conventionss and its nationwide demo program, as well as providing consulting services for gaming conventions across the country.Our two large gaming conventions, DEXCON and DREAMATION, features hundreds of role playing games, story games, LARPs, board games, card games and wargames. METATOPIA is an industry and playtesting Design Festival. It's the place to unveil new ideas and new additions to existing material, and to share them with friends and peers, old and new. We also run the First Exposure Playtest Hall (FEPH) and the First Exposure Designer Showcase (FEDS) out of Gen Con.Envoy is our nationwide demo program. Over sixty companies have demos run by over a thousand Heralds in all 50 states and beyond. We're connecting game companies, customers, game masters, conventions and gaming groups. Sign up today on our website!