Brooklyn Ice provides a free after-school figure skating program for underserved children in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. Brooklyn Ice students get skates, lessons, warm jackets, fitness and dance, homework assistance and cultural enrichment. Our program is FREE to qualifying low-income students and is the only free figure skating program in New York City. Our goal is to not just teach our students new skills on the ice, but to provide experiences that they can use in their everyday life. We want our children to reach their full potential and understand that doors that can be opened for them, within and outside of our community, to succeed in all their endeavors off the rink. Brooklyn Ice's program (on and off-ice) supports their academic success, arts and cultural enrichment, physical health and fitness. The Brooklyn Ice After-school Program works to help close the opportunity gap and brings the diversity of the Brooklyn Community into Prospect Park, to the LeFrak Center at Lakeside. Brooklyn Ice is a 501c3 educational community based nonprofit organization.