Early Intervention ESDM Therapist at Amazing Kids Early Intervention - Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia
Amazing Kids specialises in working with families of young children (aged 5 and under) with challenges in communication, social skills, and other developmental domains. Amazing Kids believes families, and other significant individuals in their child's life are the most important resources for their child's skill development. We believe that the child's everyday environment and routines are the most essential learning environments for change, therefore, we strive to empower families and caregivers in order to deliver the best results for your child. Amazing Kids is a early intervetnion provider delivering the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). ESDM is a contemporary therapy integrating a multi-disciplinary approach derived from clinical practitioners from the US Davis Mind Institute. ESDM has been proven to be most effective in teams of practitioners delivering ESDM one on one in home and clinical environments and then progressively generalised into mainstream early environments, such as child cares and kindergartens.Parent training and involvement in the Early Start Denver Model approach is key for comprehensive and family centred program.