Study coordinator in clinical trials and Data Manager (Oncology) at IMIBIC - Cordova, Andalusia, Spain
The Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba – IMIBIC, is a joint Institute of the University of Cordoba (UCO), the Reina Sofia University Hospital, and the Junta de Andalucía Regional government, created in 2008. It is structured in research groups commissioned by these institutions that cooperate in the implementation of the five scientific programmes, including Active aging and Fragility; Nutrition and endocrine and metabolic diseases; Infectious and immunological diseases and organ transplants; Cancer (Oncology and Oncohematology); and Chronic and Inflammatory Diseases.IMIBIC brings together scientific research and medical practice to embrace integral projects with the ultimate aim to promote a much faster and efficient communication between clinical and preclinical research, and to generate knowledge of high impact with considerable potential of translation into practice, new therapies and innovative products.