Academic dean at Sapient Institute of Management Studies - , Madhya Pradesh, India
Sapience is often defined as having or showing great wisdom or sound judgment.Wisdom, they say, is like salt. Having it will preserve you. Too much of it spoils everything and too little is of no use. The right amount creates wonders!At Sapient Institute of Management Studies, we strongly believe that with knowledge you can be the most powerful on earth and do wonders.At Sapient, our course content and delivery mechanism has been designed to meet emerging challenges and the subjects taught encourage increased involvement of students through simulation techniques.Emphasis is laid on building decision-making and analytical skills of students. A 360 degree personality development of students is our core area of attention.We bring to the table a variety of things besides just a normal management education programme. Just a normal management education programme! Our unique didactics and education techniques give students an opportunity to learn more and essentially sculpt themselves into successful professionals.Welcome to a world full of knowledge and success!