The Leuven Debating Society (acronym: LDS) is an organisation aimed at bringing the art of debating to Leuven. It is motivated by the desire to develop its members' debating skills, as well as theirall-round awareness of the world at large. These goals it means to achieve by organising debating-related events.LDS is a young but rapidly growing society. It was founded in 2014 by a group of students passionate about debating. Falling in love with the British parliamentary debate style, it became their prime outlet. The fundamentals were quickly in place: they would start a student organisation within Leuven, aiming to provide debating trainings, to participate in debating competitions, and to push for self-development in those areas. Having started out as a sporadic gathering of acquintances in the kitchen of a dorm, it has now developed in a fully functioning organisation providing weekly debate sessions, workshops and lectures, and participating in tournaments.