Peroneira Architects & Interior Designers are established in Hyderabad by three young and enthusiastic architects as you hung new calendars for the year 2013. The word Peroneira is the combination of two Greek words "πέρα" and "όνειρα", phonetically pronounced in English as "Pera" and "Oneira" respectively. Pera means "Beyond" and Oneira means "Dreams". Together πέρόνειρα/Peroneira/Beyond Dreams is intended to put forth our passion to strive for continuous improvement in the field of Architecture.Architects with complete different exposures have come together to design a space of Peroneira intending to make the world a quality place to live in. We give utmost importance to every detail of a project irrespective of the scale, to the clients' satisfaction within the available time frame. We believe in giving highest importance to design process to achieve the same.