BeRemote LLC has launched a Mobile and Web platform called ReTeam to help teams engage better at a social level. We have had success in helping introverts and extroverts engage and establish a social norm that ensure nobody gets left behind. ReTeam can also help with establishing norms cross culture.We support business team, coaching and mentoring engagements, youth groups, and home care - and others team oriented engagements."We need a better way to recognize our team members" - ReTeam's "Wall of Fame" will help and allows you to be authentic, sincere and virtually present."Our team has two or three people who tend to dominate every conversation" - ReTeam strives to help level the social interactions so quieter members can be heard and not left behind."When leaving the home of a patient, we'd love to be able to leave a note for the next care provider who comes in... maybe just saying how the patient is doing today emotionally" - ReTeam focuses on the Team and lets you provide a quick and informal update."Can we make status updates fun again?" - ReTeam - try it for making updates after you shutdown for the day. Keep it informal and avoid the long, in person status meetings.We hope you come along for the journey.We are available on the Apple App Store ( and Google Play Store (