SlideUplift is a utility to help business professionals create powerful presentations using ready to use impactful PowerPoint tools and templates. PowerPoint is the default medium to communicate ideas. Startups use it to pitch to investors, brand managers communicate their strategies to management. Consultants sell and deliver work. HR uses it to drive employee engagement. You get the picture. Your presentations communicate the quality of your thinkingYet most professionals struggle with creating graphics, spend hours formatting rather than focusing on thinking. The in built templates within PowerPoint help but lack originality and become boring quicklyTo create an impact on your next assignment, log on to slide uplift and see for yourself how you can choose from a near infinite variety of graphics that match the exact idea in your mind. Be it creating a perfect looking executive summary or making your brand performance shine with cool infographics or adding that extra oomph in your business case studies- SlideUplift will help uplift your ideas and... your reputation as a slick communicator.