The services gathered under the Department of Orthodontics are threefold. The undergraduate students receive theoretical and clinical training in orthodontics one morning a week for four semesters. This training is focused on diagnostics and minor treatments, making it possible for the dentist to master minor fixed appliances and various removable appliances.The three-year graduate programme leads to a European specialisation in orthodontics and follows the suggestions forwarded by the Eramus comity. A variety of techniques are taught and the programme includes a research obligation, leading to a MSc degree. In addition, a three-month graduate programme is offered every autumn. This course offers a thorough introduction to the dentist, who wants to enhance his orthodontic skill or can serve as a preparation to a specialist training.As the third service the Department of Orthodontics also hosts the craniofacial anomaly clinic, coordinating the team treating patients suffering from congenital anomalies and Juvenile Arthritis. These treatments are carried out in close collaboration with departments of neuro-surgery, orthognathic surgery, plastic surgery, pediatrics, ENT and ophthalmologyperformed according to the patients' individual needs.