Our firm's mission is to listen to you, help you evaluate your priorities, crystallize your goals together with you, provide education as a product-agnostic advisor, provide financial strategies, and build a custom plan around your vision and decisions. We then monitor your plan's progress using real-time tools and technology, and make adjustments as your life changes.Whether you are a high net-worth individual, an entrepreneur, a couple, or a growing family, we consider you part of our inner circle of friends and family. Our alliance with BCJ Financial Group brings another level of expanded resources and expertise to our team, allowing us to handle even the most complex estates."We are accredited, independent financial advisors with access to all the latest financial products, strategies and portfolio designs. But above and beyond that, we're here for our clients' life celebrations - and we're here walking them through difficult times, too." - Deborah Sopher, FounderInvestment advisory services are offered through Trek Financial, LLC., an SEC Registered Investment Adviser.