A technical recruitment company with a high focus on building a faultless hiring process in engineering and scientific directions. Started by information technology engineers, and comprised of people with the corresponding grounding.Being niche specialists with a profound background in management and HR, we see the hiring process in our field from the sides nobody else can. We research all the aspects of competence and design an assessment system, which drives the way.HRAVITY is built for those whose success relies on a deep understanding of hiring and HR processes, who is ready to build transparency and has no more time for bad decisions. Everything for you to be confident in your hiring "affairs".To nurture both a unicorn and a milch cow, nowadays one has to find their own way to exponential growth. We see its roots in people, who understand the philosophy of being a multiplier. HRAVITY is about the power of attracting them.We source, attract, select, onboard, troubleshoot, educate, systemize, build, and consult. We do not just close the most specific vacancies, we dive to your roots, get what you really need, bring it to you, and follow until it's great.Request free skype consultation: https://calendly.com/hravity/45min