Student Senate Advisor - MWCTC Luverne Center at Minnesota West Community and Technical College - Granite Falls, MN, US
Aside from its Liberal Arts degree program, the academics at MinnesotaWest Community and Technical College’s Pipestone Campus are tailoredtoward career training. More than 40 diploma, certificate and associate’sdegree programs are available, leading to popular professions like IT,accounting, HVAC and small business management.Some rather distinctive programs are available, as well, such as Lamb andWool Management and Advanced Farm Management. The school also has avariety of cosmetology programs, which is somewhat rare among communitycolleges.To help pay for these programs, Minnesota West’s Pipestone Campus offersmany financial aid opportunities, including grants, loans andscholarships. The first step in applying for financial aid at MinnesotaWest Pipestone is to complete the FAFSA by the priority deadline of April1.Minnesota West Pipestone’s admissions application can be completed onlineor on paper. Additionally, the college requires a $20 application fee andtranscripts from any other institutions you’ve attended, including highschool. Standardized test scores are not necessary.