Vutha Ea

CNC machine operator at Integer Holdings Corp - Plano, TX, US

Vutha Ea's Colleagues at Integer Holdings Corp
Jackson Omayo

Medical machine operator

Contact Jackson Omayo

Renee Polzin

St. Paul Area - Quality Control Inspector

Contact Renee Polzin

Patrick Brooks

Niagara Falls Area - Senior Accountant

Contact Patrick Brooks

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Vutha Ea's Contact Details
Integer Holdings Corp
Vutha Ea's Company Details
Integer Holdings Corp logo, Integer Holdings Corp contact details

Integer Holdings Corp

Plano, TX, US • >10000 Employees
Medical Equipment

Integer Holdings Corporation (NYSE:ITGR) is a leader in advanced medical device outsourcing (MDO) and serves its customers by providing comprehensive end-to-end solutions with its unparalleled expertise in innovation and manufacturing. Integer's vision is to enhance the lives of patients worldwide by being its customer's partner of choice for innovative medical technologies and services. Additionally, through Electrochem, an Integer company, it develops custom batteries for high-end niche applications in energy, military, and environment markets. The company's medical device manufacturing brands include Greatbatch™ Medical and Lake Region Medical™. Additional information is available at

Complex components sub-assemblies and finished devices for Cardio & Vascular and Advanced Surgical Markets Medical Device Research and Development Vertically-Integrated Outsourced Manufacturing and Engineering Services and finished devices for Cardio & Vascular and Advanced Surgical Markets and finished devices for Cardio & Vascular and Advanced Surgical Markets
Details about Integer Holdings Corp
Frequently Asked Questions about Vutha Ea
Vutha Ea currently works for Integer Holdings Corporation.
Vutha Ea's role at Integer Holdings Corporation is CNC machine operator.
Vutha Ea's email address is *** To view Vutha Ea's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Vutha Ea works in the Medical Device industry.
Vutha Ea's colleagues at Integer Holdings Corp are Jackson Omayo, Julie Keeler, Renee Polzin, Jeremy Augustson, Melina Shea, Sarah Smith, Patrick Brooks and others.
Vutha Ea's phone number is 716-937-5100
See more information about Vutha Ea