Inspem is a blockcain based artificial intelligence that able to recognize faces and objects using mobile phones and static cameras. For usersOur technology allows to solve a lot of everyday tasks, when you do not know thefirst and last names of the person, who was in a specific location at a specifictime.An example of such tasks: a person got their bag stolen or lost their documentsand knows the approximate position of that event. He submits an announcementto the system with a specified geolocation, and all the bystanders who were in thatspot at that time can help them. Perhaps, they saw that incident or capturedsomething relevant on their car's driving recorder.To save people's livesThe rescue services and the fellow citizens who help a sick bystander could useour technology.Here's an example: a person on the street with a heart failure requires urgentassistance. Bystanders show certain gestures to the nearest surveillance camera,in a few minutes a drone that carries a diffibrilator/medkit/oxygen mask/etcappears. As a first prototype solution we consider collaboration with AmbulanceDrone by TuDelft.For government structuresWe are quite open for collaboration with the government services, which conductpeople searches, but are limited with their resources or meet with one or more ofthe following obstacles: lack of video cameras in certain areas, dead zones, poorvideo quality, etc. We aim to become a direct contributor to the establishment ofsafe cities.