Damage Inc. is a disaster restoration company specializing in large and complex insuranceproperty losses resulting from any-and-all risks or perils including but not limited to: fire,flood, fail, and impact.Utilizing successful construction professionals who are highly proficient in the specializedrestoration industry, Damage Inc. promises prompt and professional service, leaving behinda product free of deficiency with exceptional value provided to both client, and insurer.Emphasis on technical training and acknowledgment of advanced methodology with a clearand concise reporting procedure will keep Damage Inc. in a class above all others.Specialty: Complex and Large Property Loss - Insurance claims of this nature are highlysensitive, as risk to insurers is significant and garners scrutiny at the most upper layers in theinsurance firms and even their re-insurers. Multiple levels of adjusting and cost analysis areemployed on projects requiring highly skilled project management, knowledge andexperience. Damage Inc. President, Wade Meyer is an authority in this market segment, and brings a tremendous amount of experience to the table.