ACS is a Kansas City Based Information Technology firm. Since 1993, ACS has provided clients with high quality I.T. solutions, including; Network Administration, Network Security, Software/Hardware acquisition, Hardware Maintenance/repair, Managed I.T, Computer/Phone Cabling, and Consulting Services. ACS was founded with a healthcare background, and will continue to focus on healthcare I.T. solutions in its future. The majority of our clients are in the healthcare field. The stringent demand and regulation pertaining to network security and patient confidentiality, per government HIPAA guidelines, ensure clients of all types that partner with ACS, that their requirements will be addressed by a highly professional and capable team. ACS works with a wide variety of clients, ranging from construction companies to law offices, and everywhere in between. For a complete overview of our products and services, please visit:, or call us at 913-262-7977.Thank you for your interest in ACS!