Since 2012 the team at 8 Point Media has worked with some of the leading brands of the world for their presence in the Middle East. Our trusted team continue to develop client business through delivering deep knowledge of the market, the media opportunities, the creative requirements, and the planning required for marketing in the region.We offer both English and Arabic as core competencies with an international background. Since we've operated in agencies and client-side, we also understand more than any business the importance of delivering client satisfaction, ROI, and campaigns. In a world where agencies can sometimes feel alien, we speak client language to clients, media to media and translate naturally between both.It's precisely for these reasons that global brands trust us. We're small, so have accountability and seniority at the client level, and we're happy to remain so. It brings us closer to clients, and we work with companies we like. It's not often companies will tell that truth, but we feel it's worth knowing.