Managing Director & CEO at Kay International AMEA Limited - , Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Kay International AMEA Limited is an independent Underwriting Managing Agency and Reinsurance Brokerage and authorized and regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) and operating out of the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC).The DIFC is one of most sophisticated international financial centers in the world focusing on transparency,Kay International AMEA Limited is authorized to carry out Insurance Management and Insurance Intermediation Services for clients globally. we specialize in underwriting risks through Asia, Middle East, and Africa on behalf of our clients through our delegated binding authorities and facilities with some of the world's leading reinsurance companies.Being an independent and non-exclusive underwriting agency and reinsurance broker guarantees that our clients receive the most competitive terms and conditions and best-in-class placement and post-risk-binding services.Our Board of Directors and Management team have extensive global and regional insurance and reinsurance expertise and are bonded by our core operating principles: Service, Security, and Strength.The company was established in 2016 in the Dubai International Financial Center as part of the expansion strategy of its sister company – Kay International plc (UK) ( International plc was established in 1980 in London, UK, and today is considered a leading approved Lloyd's Coverholder and Underwriting Agency. We take pride in our affiliation with Kay International plc (UK) as this ensures that we have efficient access to the global reinsurance marketplace and Lloyd's of London Syndicates.