Walt McSherry

Corporate Environmental Manager at The Composites Group - , ,

Walt McSherry's Contact Details
Conneaut,Ohio,44030,United States
The Composites Group
Walt McSherry's Company Details
The Composites Group logo, The Composites Group contact details

The Composites Group

, , • 250 - 499 Employees

Comprised of three longstanding entities within the thermoset composites industry, The Composites Group (TCG) and its three business units — Premix, Hadlock Plastics and Quantum Composites — offer a comprehensive portfolio of thermoset composite compounds and parts along with forward-thinking research and development initiatives plus a successful history of delivering creative solutions for myriad applications throughout diverse markets. TCG is headquartered in Highland Heights, Ohio, with manufacturing facilities located in northeastern Ohio and Bay City, Mich. Premix formulates and produces a variety of thermoset compounds and offers diverse molding capabilities; Hadlock Plastics provides value-added thermoset molding solutions; and Quantum Composites develops and manufactures high-performance fiberglass and carbon fiber composite compounds. For more information about The Composites Group, visit thecompositesgroup.com.

Details about The Composites Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Walt McSherry
Walt McSherry currently works for The Composites Group.
Walt McSherry's role at The Composites Group is Corporate Environmental Manager.
Walt McSherry's email address is ***@thecompositesgroup.com. To view Walt McSherry's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Walt McSherry works in the Plastics industry.
Walt McSherry's colleagues at The Composites Group are Mary Jewell, Greg Woerth, Chris Coxe, Kenneth Roxberry, Kevin Manniko, Rick Elliott, Tammy Bartley and others.
Walt McSherry's phone number is N/A
See more information about Walt McSherry