Chief Financial Officer at Child Guidance Center, Inc - Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Child Guidance Center specializes in providing mental health counseling and support services to children, adolescents, and families in Duval County.For 70 years our professionally trained staff have positioned clients for success by operating on a whole-health, whole-family mentality that not only focuses on treating children and adolescents, but also their families and systems. We serve upward of 5,000 individual children per year, as well as their siblings, guardians, and family members (totaling more than 15,000 individuals).Our staff of more than 120 professionals assists families with issues including, but not limited to:* Anxiety Disorders* Communication Breakdown* Emotional/Behavioral Issues* Low Self-Esteem* Attention Deficit Disorders* Sexual, Physical, Emotional Abuse* Delinquency Issues* Suicidal Thoughts* Divorce Adjustment* Depression* Family Reunification* Baker Act Diversion* Assessment for Substance-Related Disorders* Child Care Consultant* Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Assessments* Infant Mental HealthChild Guidance Center is a private, not-for-profit organization. CGC is grateful for the financial support provided by Florida's Department of Children and Families, the City of Jacksonville, Jacksonville Children's Commission, United Way of Northeast Florida, Family Support Services of North Florida, Inc., Lutheran Services Florida, and the many individuals who have generously given to the Center.