Wanda Thomas

Meal Program Coordinator at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc. - Philadelphia, PA, US

Wanda Thomas's Contact Details
Philadelphia,Pennsylvania,United States
Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc.
Wanda Thomas's Company Details
Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc. logo, Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc. contact details

Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc.

Philadelphia, PA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

The Mission of Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc. is to create partnerships and services that respond to the needs of those experiencing poverty in the North Philadelphia community, especially women, children and persons with special needs.Consistent with the Gospel values and the vision of Catherine McAuley, the focus of these ministries is to identify needs which are not being met by other groups, to respond to these needs over time, and to fulfill them in a collaborative and empowering way.For over 40 years, the Sisters of Mercy have worked in partnership with residents of the Tioga-Nicetown community in North Philadelphia. This collaborative effort has resulted in quality programming in the areas of Early Education & Youth Development, Health & Wellness for the Aging, and Adult Education.

Childcare Elderly Care Adult Education Workforce Development After School Programming Youth Development Early Education Health & Wellness for the Aging Youth Mentorship Intergenerational Programming Health & Wellness for the Aging
Details about Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Wanda Thomas
Wanda Thomas currently works for Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc..
Wanda Thomas's role at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc. is Meal Program Coordinator.
Wanda Thomas's email address is ***@mercyneighbors.org. To view Wanda Thomas's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Wanda Thomas works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Wanda Thomas's colleagues at Mercy Neighborhood Ministries of Philadelphia, Inc. are Cathy Manderfield, Steven Ziegler, Sylvia Spivey, Jean Bastian, John Butts, Davina Loibman and others.
Wanda Thomas's phone number is 215-227-4393
See more information about Wanda Thomas