Under the strategic partnership between University of Michigan and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), the UM-SJTU Joint Institute (JI, https://umji.sjtu.edu.cn) was founded to nurture a new generation of innovative leaders with global visions. The collaboration between the two universities started with engineering majors in 2006 and has now expanded to business, science, etc. Every year more than 300 SJTU students come to UM through the dual degree (2+2) or joint graduate (4+1) programs. As the official student organization recognized by both universities, SJTU Student & Alumni Association at UM (SJTU-SAA-UM) is completely run by SJTU students and is aimed at serving the SJTU students and alumni at UM. We work with both universities as well as industry partners to provide professional development resources, culture immersion programs, and networking opportunities. We help the students and alumni be involved and be successful in the U.S.In addition, SJTU-SAA-UM also serves as a community builder by connecting cross-culture and cross-industry talents. We work closely with the alumni association from both universities. President and advisors of SJTU-SAA-UM also serve as the board of directors for the SJTU Alumni Association in Greater Michigan (SJTUAAMI).