Everything you need to effortlessly launch user-generated video campaigns...BUILDStart by naming your campaign, and choosing a time limit for your audience. Then, describe what you'd like them to say by populating a question and description. CAPTUREUse the microsite to capture videos on our site, or the record widget to capture videos on yours. And if you're feeling extra competitive, you can quickly launch a video contest using the contest widget. Voting capabilities? You bet.REVIEWModerate, embed, download and tag the videos you receive for each campaign. Your participants will provide you with their name and email address, so you can always send a notification if you'd like them to re-record their video.DISTRIBUTEEmbed videos individually, or use our Playlist feature. The Playlist allows you to embed a single player which streams the best videos from within your campaign. One-click YouTube and Facebook fan page integrations coming soon.ANALYZEEasily measure the performance of each campaign. View your campaign's conversion rate, overall video views and submission sources like operating systems, mobile devices and tablets.Bravo is easy for you to use. And it's even easier for your participants.