Zenso NV is a Leuven based design house for electronic circuits and systems; and a spin-off of KULeuven. We are active in medical, industrial, automotive, and consumer electronics. The core services we offer are: -Feasibility studies-Electronic system design-PCB design-Software development (embedded and PC)-System integration-Prototyping & series production-Test & Verification (CE)-Technical writing. Zenso was an important partner for the development of an Active Implantable Medical Device (AIMD) for deep brain stimulation (electronics, software, documentation, CE testing and production) . This product features Zenso technology for wireless power and data communication in medical applications. Zenso designed for Opel the "Gabriel", a heat-stroke preventive device. If the temperature in the car rises above 28 degrees Celsius, Gabriel by Opel sends an alert to the driver to come back to the car immediately (see http://www.opelgabriel.com/). Other reference projects were the development of a balancing system for ultracapacitors in hybrid vehicles (or the development of monitoring systems for sleep analysis.Zenso is ISO13485 certified and an accredited technology partner for the Flemish program "KMO portefeuille-technologieverkenning".