We are a cyber security company based in Doha, Qatar. Our work mainly focuses on offensive security and software development. Cytomate works on BAS (Breach and attack simulation) project called "CYTOMATE APT". Breach and Attack simulation is an advance security testing method in which a BAS product launches simulations in an environment to identify the vulnerabilities and possible attack paths followed by malicious actors. BAS is an advance continuous automated penetration test which improves the limitations of red and blue team.Consider the likely scenario in which you have spent millions of dollars on your security controls but you don't know if they even stop latest attacks or not? Then you either go to pen-testers which are only capable of launching type1,type 2 attacks (previously recorded malware) or you go one step further and contact red team companies that mimic actual adversarial behavior and tests your organization's security controls thoroughly. Red team testing is the better option but it happens once in a while plus they are very expensive. Now here comes our solution which is a BAS product "Cytomate APT". Using this software, an authorized person from your organization will have access to all the latest malware (developed by our own expert red teamers and cybersecurity engineers) with different attack paths and attack vectors. With a simple click, your organization will be continuously tested against latest malware and advance persistent threats (APT) and quickly generate comprehensive reports on which malware bypassed your security and how many were detected. You will also be provided with detailed reporting on how to add detections and mitigations for such type of malware. So you have a red teaming software in your own hands. Rest assured, Cytomate APT have a very strong enforced legitimate use scheme which only allows authorized persons to handle the software.