T5G Data Centers (@T5GDC) is an Adaptive High Performance Data Center (AHPDC) ℠©™ facilities and solutions provider that is poised to make rival out of all other facilities and solution providers. Our solutions will prove to be the standard for which all future facilities and solutions will be judged but impossible for them to compete.We understand beyond anything that is understood in the industry today that Data Centers are a unique facility and as such require a unique design and unique equipment, systems and methodologies in order for them to obtain peak efficiencies. They cannot be constructed with anything that resembles four walls, a ceiling, a floor and of equipment, systems and methodologies of an era gone by if they are to achieve peak efficiencies. We also understand beyond anything that is understood by the industry today how the cloud exasperates the issue for the typical Data Center, our AHPDCs make these a non-issue.Our AHPDCs are based on a proprietary design, proprietary power and cooling systems, proprietary power and cooling distribution systems, proprietary managements systems and proprietary methodologies to obtain maximum efficiencies, maximum productivity, maximum sustainability, maximum modularity, maximum size ability, maximum scalability, the lowest TCO and maximum adaptability which is by far the greatest key for these facilities. The industry today can't even define adaptability let alone understand how the very many aspects of adaptability are introduced into these facilities while we have mastered it.Our AHPDCs are a living eco systems adapting to their operating environment real time every minute 100% of the year to ensure maximum efficiencies are being maintained at any given moment. No one is able to do this today and no one will ever be able to do it with the level of proficiencies we can as we hold the patent on the systems and the designs.For info, please email info@t5gdc.com