Senior Transformation Manager at NHS Newham Clinical Commissioning Group - N/A, N/A, UK
Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of our population. Delivering improved patient care to meet local health needs rests at the heart of everything NHS Newham CCG does. Our mission, values and aims have been developed to encapsulate what we believe are the key challenges and behaviours which will enable us to deliver real transformational change in the provision of patient centred healthcare in Newham. Mission: Extraordinary levels of community cohesion, buy-in and commitment which will unlock great health benefits for Newham by ensuring that we have a focus on three strategic priorities: integrated care, health inequalities and robust patient and public engagement. Values: • Collective clinical leadership • An inclusive organisation • Effective and collaborative communication • Patient/Public voice throughout our decision making • Transparency with our decision-making and leadership • Commitment to continuous Learning and Development • Enhancing local experience and talents • Accountability and responsibility • Caring culture and behaviour • Working with our partners to improve health outcomes Vision summary: •Develop an integrated care model to support Newham residents through-out all stages of their lives (and especially those with long term conditions)•Improving primary care services to help meet the need of additional patients treated out of the hospital•Addressing health inequalities as this has a major impact on peoples' health•Ensuring patients are engaged so new service designs and plans are a result of co-production