We are the creative force behind three of the most loved title on the web; VR-Zone, VR-Zone Chinese and SGCafe. Collectively, we have:1.5 million readers per month2.6 million Facebook fans200,000 forum membersVR-Zone is one of the most influential tech publications on the international level with professional journalism, unbiased reviews, and fast paced news reportingVR-Zone Chinese is one of the fastest growing tech sites in Taiwan, widely visited by early adopters, gadget and smartphone enthusiastsSGCafe is one of the largest Youth focused website in Singapore and around the region with rich content on Anime, Cosplay, J-pop Culture & Gaming.OUR VISIONTo be an internationally acclaimed tech media with a closely knitted community that promotes constructive dialogues and interactions between brands and readers to bring about mutual benefits.OUR MISSIONCreate content that brings value to both readers and brands through our professional journalism, unbiased review and fast paced news reporting.Connect with our vibrant community to ensure that only the willing and receptive online audiences are engaged and brands in turn receive constructive feedback from their staunch supporters.Strike a fine balance in moderating our forums to promote healthy discussions among members, reward loyal contributors and forge friendships among like-minded folks.