At Hutt City Council our vision is to build a connected, resilient and inclusive city where all of our people thrive. Kia noho mai tēnei tāone hei pou herenga waka, hei pou herenga kaupapa, hei wāhi whai hua ki hōna iwi. We're at the heart of NZ's innovation economy and making the future is part of our DNA. From our earliest days adapting to our geography and setting up NZ's first Kohanga Reo, to setting global time standards and community-led housing partnerships homing those in need. In everything we do, we're led by our values of Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga and Rangatiratanga and our partnership with Mana Whenua. Every day our work enables our neighbourhoods to be more connected, healthy and resilient and we're harnessing the talent of our city to be carbon zero in 2050. We're a diverse and growing city that more and more people are choosing to call home - embracing our big back yard of trails, nature, sports and vibrant neighbourhoods. He waka eke noa.