Player Brand Biltong sales at Player Brand Biltong - Lake Worth, Florida, United States
"The decision to take this tremendous product and favorite of South Africa was to develop a delicious and more nutritious alternative to Jerky for our families, friends and all consumers."From its home in South Africa to the States of America, Player Biltong shares a passion for natural, air-dried beef snacks. Biltong, as it's known colloquially in South Africa, is a whole food and healthy jerky alternative. Player Biltong uses USA beef, traditional South African flavors, all-natural ingredients and original recipes from yesteryear to manufacture high protein, zero sugar biltong snacks. The family heritage spanning five generations ensures perfected recipes. As a leading protein snack producer, Player Biltong uses state-of-the-art manufacturing combined with custom-designed machinery and innovative packaging technology. The modern food processing process ensures consistent quality biltong being produced here in the USA and delivered directly to the stores and doors of customers in America – a far cry from the original biltong production process: hanging strips of meat on farm fences to air dry.Today, Player Biltong is a thriving modern business utilizing the finest beef available with production at a state-of-the-art, high tech food processing facility. From here, Player Biltong supplies traditional South African biltong to the American market through its own Player Brand Biltong brand.