Vice President Of Strategic Marketing at YUNNAN PUER TEA FACTORY CO.,LTD - Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China
Founded in 2011, Yunnan Puer Tea Factory CO., LTD (YPTF for short) is located at the headstream of puer tea, Ning'Er County of Yunnan Province, where is also the distributing center of puer tea from the ancient time. All production technologies and skills could trace to the Puer Tea Factory founded in April 1975, which was one of the four earliest state-owned tea factories in Yunnan Province, having rights to produce and export puer tea. YPTF got the Export Label number as 4, inherits more than 40 years production technologies and skills.云南普洱茶厂有限公司位于历史上普洱茶的集散中心,普洱茶的发源地——云南省普洱市宁洱县(原普洱县),其制茶历史可追溯于1975年4月成立的普洱茶厂(1985年因企业改革需要,撤销普洱茶厂,登记注册普洱茶叶公司),云南最早生产出口普洱茶的四大国营茶厂之一。公司制茶技术亦源于普洱茶厂,以生产出口普洱茶散茶为主,外销唛号尾数为4,传承40多年制茶工艺。YPTF owns an area of 16 acres and the total assets over 12 million US dollars. The annual production scale exceeds 1,500 tons, and the sales scale over 15 million US dollars.YPTF has its own staffs over 140 persons of management and working, and tea bases more than 8000 acres, which including 14 mountains of tea materials. Now it is a professional company as an integration of tea plantation, processing, sales and culture promotion.YPTF is the leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization in Yunnan province, also a key leading enterprise of Puer City. Its registered trademarks like Puerhkiss, Pauke Tea, are influencing the traditional market of puer tea. And more resources of channels, markets, fundings, came to YPTF. With its own patent on Compressed Tea Bag, YPTF started the national standard of teabag, especially for puer tea. 云南普洱茶厂有限公司占地98亩。注册资金2500万元,总资产8600万元,年生产加工规模超1500吨,销售规模过亿。云南普洱茶厂有限公司自有茶叶基地5000余亩,合作基地50000余亩,有管理人员及员工140余人,是集茶叶种植、加工、销售及茶文化推广位一体的普洱茶专业化公司。 云南普洱茶厂有限公司是"云南省农业产业化经营省级重点龙头企业",以及"普洱市重点龙头企业",注册商标有"濮女"、"普克"、"永年太和"等,是有着丰厚历史积淀及稳定品质支撑的专业公司。公司在广东深圳设有全国营销中心、普洱茶酵藏中心、老茶品鉴中心及时尚茶社。