Assistant Vice President, Performance Management and Financial Reporting at PCA Life Assurance Co Ltd. () - , Taipei, Taiwan
PCA Life Assurance Co. Ltd is a subsidiary of UK-based Prudential plc and started its operations in Taiwan in 1999. We continue to grow and work to help provide opportunities for the people of Taiwan to protect and secure their financial future. Prudential Corporation Asia is one of Asia's leading insurance companies with more than 14 million customers in 12 countries. The company offers a wide range of life insurance, protection, savings and retirement products and services. With a long heritage in Asia, the company has 500,000 financial consultants who live up to the promise every day to be "Always Listening. Always Understanding". Eastspring Investments is the asset management operation and serves both retail and institutional investors. It is one of Asia's largest retail asset managers with operations in 10 regional markets plus offices in North America, the UAE, and the Europe. 1999年,英國保誠集團正式投入台灣的壽險市場,成立保誠人壽。秉承著母集團在退休規劃、儲蓄型、投資型與保障型保險商品的領先優勢,以穩健的財務體制和長遠的發展前瞻,在台灣積極發展多元行銷通路:深耕銀行保險與電話行銷業務,同時發展職域行銷通路、積極拓展專屬保險代理人通路,未來將與多家保代公司合作銷售保單,為提供客戶更多元的選擇。 保誠人壽以「成為以財務穩健、優質客戶服務及多元行銷通路著稱的國際品牌」為目標,同時提昇品牌知名度,與合作夥伴緊密合作,繼續深耕台灣市場。