Acupuncture could be the solution that you are looking for. It is a natural way to treat many chronic pain conditions, without the nasty side-effects of the painkillers or the risk associated with surgeries. Acupuncturists insert very fine needles into certain points (acupoints) to stimulates the human body to increase the creation and release of its own opiate-like substances. These substances include endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphin, often collectively known as endogenous opioids that modulate our reactions to painful stimuli. In addition to reducing pain, acupuncture also increases local circulation so it can reduce edema and helps tissues to recover.We have practiced acupuncture for five generations. Dr. Weiwei Guan's great-great-grandfather started practicing acupuncture in the 1880s. Since then every generation of Drs. Guan followed the family tradition. Her grandfather was the co-founder of China's first national acupuncture association and the editor of China's first acupuncture journal. Her father is China's top ranked acupuncture physician and have been invited to teach around the world. The renowned Guan Special Acupuncture Techniques are included in many acupuncture textbooks.Why choose us? We have unparalleled knowledge of human body. Very few other acupuncturists, if any, have had the intensive anatomy training that Dr. Weiwei Guan has obtained in her Western Medicine education. She obtained a bachelor's degree in biomedical science from University of South Florida in 2006, a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from University of Florida in 2011 and completed orthopedic PT residency at Shands in 2012. Each time she had a one-year anatomy course, working on real cadavers. No acupuncture school in the whole world offers this type of anatomy training.