Bethesda endeavors to heal the trauma of childhood sexual abuse through treatment, education and prevention. Located in Norman, OK, Bethesda provides the highest quality therapeutic treatment to children 3-18 years old. In addition, non-offending caregivers can participate in a support group. All clients receive individual and/or group counseling. We do not charge clients for services in order to ensure that no barrier stands between a child and healing. A truly unique program at Bethesda is the Summer Camp Program. This program consists of three one-week therapeutic camps designed to assist children heal from the trauma of sexual abuse. Each week, children learn healthy coping skills, identifying emotions, adopting safe boundary rules, redirecting blame to the perpetrator, and envisioning a positive future,. Participants are mentored by adult Bethesda graduates, former clients who return to share their stories of success. There is no other agency in Oklahoma that provides a summer camp experience specifically designed for the healing of sexual abuse. Bethesda seeks to equip all children with the vocabulary and courage to speak up if someone tries to break a personal space boundary rule. For that reason, our education coordinator teaches the "Stop, Go and Tell" curriculum to children. This age appropriate curriculum teaches a child that they have personal space, that there are boundary rules to that personal space and that if someone breaks a boundary rule, the child should tell one of their three safe adults. The curriculum is presented to children primarily in elementary school, but can be adapted for other age groups. Learn more at